google search

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

To search for a file or folder

A file is an item that contains information—for example, text or images or music. When opened, a file can look very much like a text document or a picture that you might find on someone's desk or in a filing cabinet. On your computer, files are represented with icons; this makes it easy to recognize a type of file by looking at its icon.
 A file is an item that contains information—for example, text or images or music. When opened, a file can look very much like a text document or a picture that you might find on someone's desk or in a filing cabinet. On your computer, files are represented with icons; this makes it easy to recognize a type of file by looking at its icon.
 A folder is a container you can use to store files in. If you had thousands of paper files on your desk, it would be nearly impossible to find any particular file when you needed it. That's why people often store paper files in folders inside a filing cabinet. On your computer, folders work the same way. Here are some typical folder icons.
Folders can also store other folders. A folder within a folder is usually called a subfolder. You can create any number of subfolders, and each can hold any number of files and additional subfolders.
Windows provides several ways to find files and folders. There isn't one best way to search—you can use different methods for different situations.

To find a program or file by using the search box on the Start menu

You can use the search box on the Start menu to find files, folders, programs, and e‑mail messages stored on your computer.
To find an item using the Start menu:
Click the Start button, and then type a word or part of a word in the search box.
As you type, items that match your text will appear on the Start menu. The search is based on text in the file name, text in the file, tags, and other file properties.


·         When searching from the Start menu, only files that have been indexed will appear in search results. Most files on your computer are indexed automatically. For example, anything you include in a library is automatically indexed. For more information about the index, see Improve Windows searches using the index: frequently asked questions.

To find a file or folder by using the search box in a folder or library

You're often likely to be looking for a file that you know is in a particular folder or library, such as Documents or Pictures. Browsing for the file might mean looking through hundreds of files and subfolders. To save time and effort, use the search box at the top of the open window.

The search box in a folder or library
The search box is located at the top of every library. It filters the current view based on text that you type. The search looks for text in the file name and contents; and in the file properties, such as in tags. In a library, the search includes all folders included in the library as well as subfolders within those folders.

To search for a file or folder by using the search box:
·         Type a word or part of a word in the search box.
·         As you type, the contents of the folder or library are filtered to reflect each successive character you type. When you see the file that you want, stop typing.
For example, suppose your Documents library looks like this:
Now, suppose that you're looking for your invoice files, so you type "invoice" in the search box. As you type, the view is automatically filtered and you see something like this:
If you're searching for a file based on one or more of its properties (such as a tag or the date the file was last modified), you can use search filters to specify the property in your search.
In a library or folder, click in the search box, and then click the appropriate search filter below the search box. (For example, to search the Music library for songs by a particular artist, click the Artists search filter.)
Depending on which search filter you click, choose a value. For example, if you click the Artists search filter, click an artist from the list.
You can repeat these steps to build complex searches on multiple properties. Each time that you click a search filter or value, terms are automatically added to the search box.

 To expand a search beyond a specific library or folder

If you can't find what you're looking for in a specific library or folder, you can expand the search to include different locations.
·         Type a word in the search box.
·         Scroll to the bottom of the list of search results. Under Search again in, do one of the following:
o        Click Libraries to search across every library.
o        Click Computer to search across your entire computer. This is the way to search for files that aren't indexed (such as system or program files). However, be aware that the search will be slower.
o        Click Custom to search specific locations.

o        Click Internet to search online, using your default web browser and your default search provider.


Window explorer is a helpful tool that enables you to neatly organize your documents and folders. With window explorer, you can view and select documents. Because of its nature, it makes it easy to select any of these from the screen. Floppy drive, hand disk drive, document folder and all the documents, because they are made visible on the screen. When it is initiated it displays on the screen dividing into two parts. The display is shown in a free form. At the left side, we have containers like disk and folders. A folder may contain another folder inside it, clicking the object on the left hand side will automatically display the content of it at the right side. The content can be viewed and the operation desired carried out, such may be: deleting a document or several documents, moving document to different location, searching for a document, copying a whole disk, formatting a disk, creating a folder, removing a folder etc.
How to use Window Explorer
·         Start Window Explorer by clicking the start button,
·         Selecting programs and then selecting window explorer.
·         If the folder you want to view contain other folders, click the plus (+) button to expand the hierarchy list.
·         Click the folder you want to use and it contents will be displayed in the contents (right) pane.
·         If you however point your cursor over a folder, details about that item will be displayed. If you however oversee a popular file type (such as a word or excel document) a thumbnail view of the first page of the file will also be displayed.
·         To open a file, just click its icon. In addition, you can move, copy, remove, or delete any file or folder in explorer by right-clicking the corresponding icon and going through the steps.
·         To view any part of your system from the windows explorer window, pull down the address bar and select an item, for example, if you select control panel, the contents of control panel appear in the contents pane.
·         To close windows explorer, pull down the file menu and choose close.
Deleting a file
·         Highlight the file you wish to delete.
·         Right click the highlighted file to display the menu
·         Click on Delete option from the menu
·         Select Yes to delete or No to cancel

Moving a Window
It is possible to move a window from it position to another position. This is done by placing the mouse pointer on the title bar and then dragging it to the desired location.
Syntax of doing this
·         Point the mouse pointer on the title bar of the desired window you want to move.
·         Press the left button and hold down
·         Drag the window to the area on the screen you want to place it.
·         Release the mouse button.

Minimizing and Maximizing Windows
When a  window is minimized, it becomes a button on the task bar. On the other hand a maximized window takes the full screen of a document or application.

To Restore a minimized window
Click it minimize button, click its button on the task bar. To restore a minimized document within an application, click its minimize button in the application window.
Other methods of restoring minimized or maximized window to their former state are
·         Click the restore button in the window
·         Right click the task bar button that represent the windows and choose restore
·         Click on the Icons in the windows upper left corner to open the control menu and choose restore to return the window to it previous size.

Resizing Windows
To resize a window means to increase or decrease the size of the window so that the window can fit on a selected space on a disk top.

Steps on how to resize windows
a.    Position the mouse pointer on any corner or side of the window. The pointer changes to a double headed arrow.
b.    Hold down the left mouse button
c.     Drag the item to the desired side. Drag towards the window to reduce the size; drag away from the window to enlarge it. An outline shows the proposed size

d.    Release the mouse button


A window is a rectangular area on a display screen which text or graphical images may be displayed. Windows 95or 98 programs appear on the screen in graphical method. Like other low windows, they afford the ability to run programs under them and to perform management of document. Windows are menu driven, they have the capacity of performing several tasks, can display programs to be ran on the screen and afford the ability for program to share data

The desktop is the available area on your screen where you can carry out your operations. It is similar in meaning to a working place where all the equipment of work are located and working can take place. The desktop contain several icons. Each icon represents an object such as folder in the program. At the bottom of the desktop is a horizontal line called task bar.

If the computer is boot on, the system loads Windows 95, 98, automatically. You are advised not to do otherwise until the loading is complete. The appearance of Windows 95, or 98 etc desktop menu is an indication for complete loading.
The following are seen on the screen;
i.                   My Computer
ii.                 Network neighborhood
iii.               Inbox
iv.              Recycle bin
v.                Setup for Microsoft Network
At the low left part of the screen is the task bar that contains start button and lock. If you intend to start a program, position the mouse pointer on the start button and click on it.

Before any activity is done in windows, it requires first opening the window. To do this, click on the start button, you can alternatively open window by;
·         clicking a command, menu folder or document
·         From my computer click an application or document
·         You can also click an icon a separate programs shortcut bar, such as Microsoft Office Shortcut bar.
When windows are open by clicking on the start button contained on the task bar, it brings out menu containing some selection. From up to down, the following setting is done; programs, document, setting, find, help, run and shutdown.

Programs are placed at the very top of the opening menu. Available features contained under programs are accessories, Microsoft office; start up, MS-DOS prompt and windows explorer.

If you point the mouse pointer on the accessories various of menus will appear.


The title Bar
This is the top most area on the screen where the application name is displayed and when you save your job under name, the name given to your file also appears in that location, if the document window is not detach from the application window.

The Menu Bar
This is the area directly under the title bar where a list of menus are located. Mot a times the menus range from File, Edit, to help menu. In some other windows it range from Home, layout to help menu. It is important to note that menu normally would have a pull down or submenu which essentially list of command which could be use on your document.

The minimize button
This is hyphen like (-) in nature at the upper right of the window. By way of function, it is used to reduce the window to an icon which is placed at the button of the window.

The maximize button
This is a square box located at the upper right corner of the title bar. It is essentially used to enlarge the application you are working with so that you can have a full computer screen for your work space.

The close button
The close button is used to close the active window. This is designated by (X) located at the right corner of the title bar to the right of the maximize button.

Restore button
This button is represented by double squares, one placed on top of the right corner of the other. It can only come up to be seen after you have clicked on the maximize button. The work of the button is to restore the active window to its previous size prior to its maximization.

The mouse pointer
This is the arrow that appears on the screen if mouse is installed on your system. With this, you can select the application of your choice and the necessary commands you desire to use on the document.

The Window border
This is the outside edge for instance the four edges of the window. You can enlarge or reduce it to suit your taste.

The Workspace
This is the area inside window where you do your work.

The Icons
These are graphical representation of minimized window application and document.

The scroll bar
The scroll bars are located at the windows right and bottom edges. The one to the right is called the vertical scroll bar while the other at the bottom edge is known as the horizontal scroll bar. This is the area in between an upward pointing triangle and a downward pointing triangle.


Word Processor:  This is a package that is design mainly for producing letter, mailing lists, labels, greeting cards, business cards, reports, manuals and newsletter. Word processor is used to create, edit, save and print reports. It affords the opportunity to make amendments before printing is done. During editing, characters, words, sentences or a number of lines can be removed or inserted as the case may be. You can also spell check. One document can be printed as many times as possible. Example of word processor is Microsoft Word and Word perfect.

Spreadsheet: Spreadsheet is made of columns and rows. The columns and rows form rectangular shapes into which numerical figures and alphabet are entered. Each of the rectangular shape is called a cell. The size of the cells can be adjusted to suit what you intend to enter. Reports can also be made on the spreadsheet. For instance, it can be used to present the scores of students in each subject at the end of the term. Other features of spreadsheet are the ability to use formula(e) to calculate, use sum and average functions, ability to perform arithmetic calculation and has the capability to display report in graphical forms. Examples of spreadsheet are Excel and Lotus.

Database: This is design mainly for the collection of related information. Here phone numbers, addresses are examples. A lot of data can be stored here in structured form. The files here are made of information for each person while records contain fields. A section of records is referred to as a field. Examples are names, address and age. Data base enables user to organize data in an orderly form, and provides tools for desired operations for easy retrieval. Data can be classified and organized in orderly form, able to manipulate information in the system, can edit sort and search for data. It affords the opportunity to print according to the desired setting.

Desktop Publishing: It is special graphical computer application package that is design for graphical representations. Among reports produced by it are greeting cards, complementary cards, postal, letter headed papers. Diagrams etc. it is used in publishing companies. 


File Management
One of the functions of the operating system is its ability to manage files efficiently. Thus the operating system manages all the files on the computer. A file is similar to documents and letters kept in file cabinet. It keeps tracks of locations were programs and data are stored within the computer’s memory.

Maintaining Security;
Operations that involve network and larger computers demand an ID and password to each operator to assist him or her gain access to the computer system. The operating system keeps a register of all these IDs so that only people with valid IDs and password can access system. The importance of this is to avoid the usage by unauthorized person have access to system.
Managing Tasks: A computer can perform many tasks simultaneously. One of the ways of doing this is by multi-tasking. Multi-tasking is the ability of a computer to run more than one program at the same time. A typical example is seen by operators listening to music while typing on the same computer.

        In case of networks, the multi-user operating system allows more than one user to access the same data at the same time.


The two component of a computer are hardware and software.
Hardware: The hardware of a computer are those parts of a computer that can be seen physically. They can be touched, handled etc. these parts were discussed earlier and include motherboard, monitor, CPU etc. these parts are sometimes called the peripherals.
Software: These are set of instructions that are supplied to the computer to aid perform it functions. There are two types of software, system software and application software.

As mentioned briefly before, Software is set of instructions that are sent to computer to perform functions. The instructions herein are series of assignment tobe executed by the computer in other to perform a task. Software are of two types i.e. system software and application software.
System Software: These are programs that have already been installed into the computer by the manufacturers to assist the operator. The provide an interface between the users, programmers and operators, the hardware system and the application software.
Application Software: These are programs developed to carry out specific functions. They ease the burden of daily operation of the user. The packages available here are for payroll system, word processing, spreadsheet, desktop publishing etc. application software can be classified into integrated software, general purpose software and custom written or tailor-made software.
General purpose software: as the name implies, general purpose software is not for any specific business, but can be used or adopted to suit specific needs. A particular package for instance spreadsheet can be used for calculations and for other operation such as entering student scores at the end of the term.
Integrated Software: is a set of related, specialized programs combined in unified package that allows data to be transferred easily between the programs.  A major advantage of the package is the ease with which data can be transferred from one component to another. For instance while working on a word processing document you can quickly incorporate a graph created in the packages spread sheet component via a simple cut or copy – and paste operation. Integrated software packages are cheaper than purchasing the packages individually and tends to be more powerful and versatile.
Custom written software These are software design to perform the specific needs of a company. It may be written by individual within the company or contracted out a software house.
Expert/Specialist: These are design to initiate the work of a professional in a particular field.

Operating System: The operating system is a set of programs that governs the operation of a computer. The operating system is as suit of programs provided for the users to assist them in their daily running of the system. Without the operating system no work can be done on the computer. Example of operating system incude; Window 95, Window 98, Window XP, Window NT, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium, Window Vista, Window 7, Window 8 etc.


INPUT UNIT: This comprises of keyboard, mouse and scanner
i. The Keyboard
The keyboard is a tool that is used for typing like a typewriter. Of course, it has more functions than the typewriter. Different keys on the keyboard perform varying functions and include;

A Standard Keyboard
1.    Alphanumeric
2.    Control keys
3.    Cursor keys or arrow keys
4.    Numeric keys
5.    Function keys

Alphanumeric Keys
As the name implies, alpha refers to alphabet and numeric refers to number. Alphanumeric contains both alphabet and numbers. Alphabet are A-Z, and numbers 0-9. apart from alphabet and numbers other keys are associated with these type of keys and include; Shit, Enter, Space, Caps lock, Tab Back space keys.
Functions Keys
These are additional keys on the key board for special usd under operating system and application programs. The keys contained here are F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, and F12.
Numeric Keys
Found at the right hand side of the keyboard, the numeric keys are numbered 0-9 and are used when input are in their numeric form.
Control Keys
Control keys do not have a specific place on the keyboard. They are found on the keyboard  and include; Insert, delete, end, Esc, Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause, Home, Page Up, Page Down, Control, Alt, and Num Lock.
Cursor Keys
Also known as the arrow keys the cursor keys help moving the cursor up, down, left and right side on the screen during operation.

A mouse is a small hand held device used to control the pointer on the screen. It is connected to the system unit. Mouse shows arrow pointer on the monitor screen for selecting required command from menu rather than typing by using keyboard. When you turn over your mouse you will see a small ball. When you move your mouse over a flat surface the ball rotates. A sensor picks up the movement of the ball, and translates this into movement of the pointed arrow on the screen. You can click, double click, drag and drop and right click on the mouse.

Scanner is a machine that you can use it in your computer works. It uses laser beans and reflected light to translate drawing, photos and even text into digital form. These images can then be processed by a computer, displayed on monitor, stored on a storage device or communicated to another computer.

An output unit is a medium through which all processed or computed results are made out for the user. This result could either be soft copy output or hardcopy output. A soft copy output is the result displayed on the monitor. It is referred to as the information displayed on a screen or in audio or voice form through speakers. It is said to be a temporal output Hardcopy output is said to be permanent. It refers to output printed on paper. We shall now take a look at the output devices.

Monitor also called display screen or visual display unit (VDU), are the main means of softcopy unit. Screens are large range from 14 to 21 inches. The screen is coated with phosphor on the back. An electron gun shoots electrons at the back of the screen, creating a glow where they hit. The stream of electrons can be controlled to produced whatever images needed. There are two types of display screens. These are Cathode Ray tubes (CRTs) and Flat-panel displays.

Cathode Ray Tubes
A careful watch at the television screen  gives you an idea of this display screen. The images are represented on the screen by individual dots called pixels. A pixel is the smallest unit on the screen that can be turned on and off or coloured in different shades. The number of pixels determines the resolution on the screen. Resolution here refers to clarity or sharpness of an image when displayed on the screen. Computer aided design (CAD)packages require screen with high resolution so that design can be viewed and worked on in great detail.
Flat Panel Display Screen
These are mainly used on portable computers like laptops. They consist of two pplates of glass with a substance in between them that creates the image on the screen. The different types of flat screen are liquid crystals display (LCD), electroluminescent display (EL) and gas plasma display (GPD).

Printer: These are output devices used to obtain report after processing. It puts things from the computer into papers varying printers do exist but the common ones are LaserJet, Inkjet and Dox-matrix.
LaserJet Printer: The operation of Laser is similar to photocopying machine. It incorporates the use of laser beam, a mirror and a rotating drum to print characters on papers. The output here is of high quality but slow in speed.
Inkjet Printer: The quality and speed of an inkjet printer are both slow. Printing is achieved by spraying jets that are able to dry.
Dot-Matrix: It prints by creating characters in form of tiny dots. It achieves this by impact. The printer head contains some tiny pins that hit the ribbon to form characters on the paper. It is slow and noisy

Windows journal and windows help viewer keyboard shortcuts

 Windows Journal keyboard shortcuts

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Windows Journal.
Press this key   To do this
Ctrl+N        Start a new note
Ctrl+O       Open a recently used note
Ctrl+S        Save changes to a note
Ctrl+Shift+V       Move a note to a specific folder
Ctrl+P        Print a note
Alt+F4        Close a note and its Journal window
Ctrl+Z        Undo a change
Ctrl+Y        Redo a change
Ctrl+A        Select all items on a page
Ctrl+X        Cut a selection
Ctrl+C        Copy a selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl+V        Paste a selection from the Clipboard
Esc            Cancel a selection
Delete        Delete a selection
Ctrl+F        Start a basic find
Ctrl+G        Go to a page
F5             Refresh find results
F5             Refresh the note list
F6             Toggle between a note list and a note
Ctrl+Shift+C       Display a shortcut menu for column headings in a note list
F11            View a note in full-screen mode
F1             Open Journal Help

 Windows Help viewer keyboard shortcuts

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with the Help viewer.
Press this key   To do this
Alt+C            Display the Table of Contents
Alt+N            Display the Connection Settings menu
F10               Display the Options menu
Alt+Left Arrow    Move back to the previously viewed topic
Alt+Right Arrow   Move forward to the next (previously viewed) topic
Alt+A            Display the customer support page
Alt+Home      Display the Help and Support home page
Home           Move to the beginning of a topic
End              Move to the end of a topic
Ctrl+F           Search the current topic
Ctrl+P           Print a topic

F3                Move the cursor to the search box

Keyboard shortcut for calculator

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Calculator.

Press this key   To do this
Atl+1            Switch to Standard mode
Alt+2            Switch to Scientific mode
Alt+3            Switch to Programmer mode
Alt+4            Switch to Statistics mode
Ctrl+E           Open date calculations
Ctrl+H           Turn calculation history on or off
Ctrl+U           Open unit conversion
Alt+C            Calculate or solve date calculations and worksheets
F1                Open Calculator Help
Ctrl+Q           Press the M- button
Ctrl+P           Press the M+ button
Ctrl+M          Press the MS button
Ctrl+R           Press the MR button
Ctrl+L           Press the MC button
%                 Press the % button
F9                Press the +/– button
/                  Press the / button
*                  Press the * button
+                 Press the + button
-                  Press the button
R                  Press the 1/× button
@                 Press the square root button
0-9               Press the number buttons (0-9)
=                 Press the = button
.                   Press the . (decimal point) button
Backspace     Press the backspace button
Esc               Press the C button
Del               Press the CE button
Ctrl+Shift+D  Clear the calculation history
F2                Edit the calculation history
Up Arrow key Navigate up in the calculation history
Down Arrow key  Navigate down in the calculation history
Esc               Cancel editing the calculation history
Enter            Recalculate the calculation history after editing
F3                Select Degrees in Scientific mode
F4                Select Radians in Scientific mode
F5                Select Grads in Scientific mode
I                  Press the Inv button in Scientific mode
D                  Press the Mod button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+S           Press the sinh button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+O           Press the cosh button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+T           Press the tanh button in Scientific mode
(                  Press the ( button in Scientific mode
)                  Press the ) button in Scientific mode
N                  Press the ln button in Scientific mode
;                  Press the Int button in Scientific mode
S                  Press the sin button in Scientific mode
O                 Press the cos button in Scientific mode
T                  Press the tan button in Scientific mode
M                 Press the dms button in Scientific mode
P                  Press the pi button in Scientific mode
V                  Press the F-E button in Scientific mode
X                  Press the Exp button in Scientific mode
Q                 Press the x^2 button in Scientific mode
Y                  Press the x^y button in Scientific mode
#                 Press the x^3 button in Scientific mode
L                  Press the log button in Scientific mode
!                   Press the n! button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+Y           Press the y√x button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+B           Press the 3√x button in Scientific mode
Ctrl+G           Press the 10x button in Scientific mode
F5                Select Hex in Programmer mode
F6                Select Dec in Programmer mode
F7                Select Oct in Programmer mode
F8                Select Bin in Programmer mode
F12               Select Qword in Programmer mode
F2                Select Dword in Programmer mode
F3                Select Word in Programmer mode
F4                Select Byte in Programmer mode
K                  Press the RoR button in Programmer mode
J                  Press the RoL button in Programmer mode
<                 Press the Lsh button in Programmer mode
>                 Press the Rsh button in Programmer mode
%                 Press the Mod button in Programmer mode
(                  Press the ( button in Programmer mode
)                  Press the ) button in Programmer mode
|                  Press the Or button in Programmer mode
^                 Press the Xor button in Programmer mode
~                 Press the Not button in Programmer mode
&                  Press the And button in Programmer mode
A-F               Press the A-F buttons in Programmer mode
Spacebar       Toggles the bit value in Programmer mode
A                  Press the Average button in Statistics mode
Ctrl+A           Press the Average Sq button in Statistics mode
S                  Press the Sum button in Statistics mode
Ctrl+S           Press the Sum Sq button in Statistics mode
T                  Press the S.D. button in Statistics mode
Ctrl+T           Press the Inv S.D. button in Statistics mode

D                  Press the CAD button in Statistics mode