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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Classification of Computer based on mode of processing (forms)

Classification entails grouping computers into various units with common features. Varying classification in this case are possible. The classification here will be done based on certain features. In this case therefore, the following classification is made:
Classification based on mode of processing (forms)
  1. Digital Computer: Digital computer uses digits in representation of its variables. The raw materials is uses representing numbers, letters or symbols are converted in to binary form on output to the computer. It is worth to note that the raw material (data) passed through some stages after which the binary digits are changed back to alphanumeric form for output. Digital computers are used for such applications like invoice, inventory control, and payroll. Owning to the various functions they perform, they are mostly used in commercial and business places.
  2. Analog Computer: Analog computers are computers that make use of physical quantities in representing their variables, that is to say instead of counting variables, analog computers measure. The variable is represented by a quantity: small or large. Common type represents its variables in terms of electrical voltages and set up circuit analogs to the regulations connecting the variables. An analog computer, unlike a digital voltmeter, gives an exact answer. Answers are not approximated. Once it is programmed, analog computer gives two useful properties.
i.                   It is simple to change the value of a constant or coefficient and study the effect of changes.
ii.                 It is possible to link certain variables to a time pulse to study, changes with time as a variable and chart that results on an X-Y plotter. Unlike digital, analog computer is not used in business places. The following are the uses of analog computer.
i.                   it is used by engineers to solve systems of partial differential equations.
ii.                 It is used in controlling and monitoring of systems in such areas as hydrodynamics and rocketry.
iii.               It is used in production control in industries as petroleum refining and food production.
iv.              The simulation of such mechanical systems as a spring under pressure and mathematical modeling.

Analog                                                                Digital
i. Gives an exact answer                              Answer not exact
ii. Not used for business                                used for business
iii. best at measurement                               best at counting
iv. low efficiency level                                  high level of efficiency
v. Knobs are used for operations                   Buttons are used for operations

  1. Hybrid Computer: Hybrid Computer is a resultant computer effects from a combination of analog and digital computer. It is achieved when one intends to get the output from an analog computer as process by a digital computer. The combination effect of aalgo computer and digital computer give the resultant hybrid computer element that are both in hybrid and digital computer. In this case therefore, the hybrid computer is used for special-purpose device which is built for specific task. It needs a conversion element which accepts analog inputs, and output digital value. Such converter is called digitizer. There is need for a converter from analog to digital also. It has the advantage of giving real-time response on a continuous basis. Complex calculations can be dealt with by the digital elements, thereby giving a large memory, accurate results in case of programming. It is used in aerospace and process control applications.

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