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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Remote Desktop Connection, paint and wordpad keyboard shortcuts

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Remote Desktop Connection.

Press this key       To do this
Alt+Page Up           Move between programs from left to right.
Alt+Page Down       Move between programs from right to left.
Alt+Insert              Cycle through programs in the order that they were started in.
Alt+Home              Display the Start menu.
Ctrl+Alt+Break       Switch between a window and full screen.
Ctrl+Alt+End          Display the Windows Security dialog box.
Alt+Delete             Display the system menu.
Ctrl+Alt+Minus Sign (-) on the numeric keypad        Place a copy of the active window, within the client, on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing Alt+PrtScn on a local computer).
Ctrl+Alt+Plus Sign (+) on the numeric keypad Place a copy of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing PrtScn on a local computer).
Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow    “Tab” out of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host program (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) program.
Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow “Tab” out of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host program (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) program.


·         Ctrl+Alt+Break and Ctrl+Alt+End are available in all Remote Desktop sessions, even when you've set up the remote computer to recognize Windows keyboard shortcuts.

 Paint keyboard shortcuts

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Paint.

Press this key   To do this
Ctrl+N          Create a new picture
Ctrl+O          Open an existing picture
Ctrl+S          Save changes to a picture
F12              Save the picture as a new file
Ctrl+P          Print a picture
Alt+F4          Close a picture and its Paint window
Ctrl+Z          Undo a change
Ctrl+Y          Redo a change
Ctrl+A          Select the entire picture
Ctrl+X          Cut a selection
Ctrl+C          Copy a selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl+V          Paste a selection from the Clipboard
Right Arrow   Move the selection or active shape right by one pixel
Left Arrow     Move the selection or active shape left by one pixel
Down Arrow  Move the selection or active shape down by one pixel
Up Arrow      Move the selection or active shape up by one pixel
Esc              Cancel a selection
Delete          Delete a selection
Ctrl+B          Bold selected text
Ctrl++          Increase the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl+-           Decrease the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl+I           Italicize selected text
Ctrl+U          Underline selected text
Ctrl+E          Open the Properties dialog box
Ctrl+W         Open the Resize and Skew dialog box
Ctrl+Page Up Zoom in
Ctrl+Page Down  Zoom out
F11              View a picture in full-screen mode
Ctrl+R          Show or hide the ruler
Ctrl+G          Show or hide gridlines
F10 or Alt      Display keytips
Shift+F10      Show the current shortcut menu
F1                Open Paint Help

 WordPad keyboard shortcuts

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with WordPad.
Press this key   To do this
Ctrl+N            Create a new document
Ctrl+O            Open an existing document
Ctrl+S            Save changes to a document
F12                Save the document as a new file
Ctrl+P            Print a document
Alt+F4            Close WordPad
Ctrl+Z            Undo a change
Ctrl+Y            Redo a change
Ctrl+A            Select the entire document
Ctrl+X            Cut a selection
Ctrl+C            Copy a selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl+V            Paste a selection from the Clipboard
Ctrl+B            Make selected text bold
Ctrl+I             Italicize selected text
Ctrl+U            Underline selected text
Ctrl+=            Make selected text subscript
Ctrl+Shift+=   Make selected text superscript
Ctrl+L            Align text left
Ctrl+E            Align text center
Ctrl+R            Align text right
Ctrl+J             Justify text
Ctrl+1            Set single line spacing
Ctrl+2            Set double line spacing
Ctrl+5            Set line spacing to 1.5
Ctrl+Shift+>   Increase the font size
Ctrl+Shift+<   Decrease the font size
Ctrl+Shift+A    Change characters to all capitals
Ctrl+Shift+L    Change the bullet style
Ctrl+D            Insert a Microsoft Paint drawing
Ctrl+F            Find text in a document
F3                  Find the next instance of the text in the Find dialog box
Ctrl+H            Replace text in a document
Ctrl+Left Arrow   Move the cursor one word to the left
Ctrl+Right Arrow Move the cursor one word to the right
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move the cursor to the line above
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move the cursor to the line below
Ctrl+Home      Move to the beginning of the document
Ctrl+End         Move to the end of the document
Ctrl+Page Up   Move up one page
Ctrl+Page Down  Move down one page
Ctrl+Delete     Delete the next word
F10                Display keytips
Shift+F10        Show the current shortcut menu

F1                  Open WordPad Help

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