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Monday, May 27, 2019

Displaying Numbers in Currency

Display numbers as currency

In the Number group, you have some other options. For example, you can change the U.S. dollar sign to another currency format, switch numbers to percents, add commas, and change the decimal location.

  1. Select the cells that contain the numbers that you want to display with a currency symbol.
Recommended for reading:
  1. On the Home tab, click the Dialog Box Launcher next to Number.  This will display the format cells dialog box.

  1. In the Category box, click Currency or Accounting.
  1. In the Symbol box, click the currency symbol that you want.
Note: Anytime you wish to display a monetary value without a currency symbol, you can click None.
  1. In the Decimal places box, enter the number of decimal places that you want to display.
  2. In the Negative numbers box, select the display style for negative numbers.
 Note    The Negative numbers box is not available for the Accounting number format.

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