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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Drawing predefine shape

Drawing predefined shapes
Using the Perfect Shapes collection, you can draw predefined shapes. Certain shapes specifically basic shapes, arrow shapes, banner shapes, and callout shapes contain glyphs. You can drag a glyph to modify the appearance of a shape.

 Using the Shape tool, you can drag a glyph to alter a shape.
You can add text to the inside or outside of the shape. For example, you might want to put a label inside a flowchart symbol or a callout.

To draw a predefined shape
     Open the Perfect Shapes flyout
   click one of the following tools:
Basic shapes Arrows shapes
Flowchart  shapes Banner shapes
Callout shapes
      Open the Perfect Shapes picker on the property bar, and click a shape.
      Drag in the drawing window until the shape is the size you want.
Perfect Shapes can be modified like any other shapes.

To modify a predefined shape
1 Select a shape that contains a glyph.
2 Drag a glyph until you achieve the shape you want
The right-angle, heart, lightning bolt, explosion, and flowchart shapes do not contain glyphs.

To add text to a predefined shape
1 Click the Text tool         .
2 Position the cursor inside the shapes outline until it changes to a text cursor
 3 Type inside the shape, choose a font, and format the text.

To draw a shape or line by using shape recognition
1 Click the Smart drawing tool
2 Choose a recognition level from the Recognition level list box on the property bar.
3 Choose a smoothing level from the Smoothing level list box on the property bar.
4 Draw a shape or line in the drawing window.

      The Smart drawing tool property bar is displayed only when the Smart drawing tool is selected.

      The minimum delay is 10 milliseconds; the maximum is 2 seconds.

To make a correction while using shape recognition
Before the delay recognition period has elapsed, hold down Shift, and drag over the area you want to correct.
You must start erasing the shape or line from the last point drawn.

      If you are drawing a freehand shape consisting of several curves, you can delete the last curve drawn by pressing Esc.

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